Surgery Hours

Surgery Hours

  • The surgery is open Monday to Friday 8:30am – 6:30pm
  • Our appointment telephone lines are open 8:00am – 6:30pm

When we are closed

Urgent medical problems: Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

Less urgent medical problems: If you need to be seen urgently and there are no appointments available, please speak to a receptionist who will arrange for you to be seen or spoken to as appropriate. However, without an appointment this may mean you have to wait longer to see a doctor. There is no “drop in” surgery and walking into the practice will not guarantee you an appointment.

Out of hours (weekends and night cover)

If you have an urgent medical situation outside the surgery times, please call the NHS 111 Service to get medical help fast, or call 999 if you have a serious, life-threatening medical emergency. Calls to NHS 111 are free from landlines and mobile phones.

If you have difficulties with communicating or hearing please use the 111 textphone service instead.  Call 18001 111 on a textphone

Protected learning time

Once a month, on the third Thursday, we close for 3 1/2  hours for essential staff training.
